IMS Legacy Ranch
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Create a Lasting Legacy

Legacy Ranch Private Retreats

Legacy Ranch is dedicated to lawyers who are committed to their clients, who work daily to protect individuals and families and help preserve legacies.

Located just nine miles east of Colorado Springs, on the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, the Ranch has nearly 50 acres of expansive views. From the ranch house you can watch the sun rise each morning over the vast high plains to the east, and set each evening on the rocky summit of Pikes Peak.

Here we invite you to retreat, to study, and work together to build your legacy.

Our mission at Legacy Ranch is to help you find your voice, plan your future, and Grow a Great Law Firm.

Field of flowers at sunsetTrail in the sunset

Why Strategic Planning?

why strategic planning
The goal of strategic planning is to grow your business at a sustainable pace, improve profitability and allow you to enjoy your work. There is a strategy that can get you there.

Strategy Drives Marketing ... and the Message

It’s important to be clear on your business strategy before trying to craft marketing messages. In fact, difficulty writing compelling marketing messages is one sign that you haven’t done the hard work of strategy planning. Once you achieve strategic clarity, the marketing messages fall naturally into place.

Our Approach

If you think strategic planning is a boring, painful waste of your otherwise billable time – banish those thoughts now. You have never experienced a planning retreat quite like this. At Legacy Ranch, you’ll experience an energetic planning process that is uniquely interactive. Our work in experiential learning and process facilitation guides clients to achieve levels of insight and clarity far beyond other, more traditional approaches.

Common issues addressed in strategic planning retreats:

  • Strategic Activity Mapping to ensure strategic fit across all your activities.
  • Identifying your Unique Value Proposition.
  • Creating a vision for Big, Hairy Audacious Goals and designing a strategy to achieve them.
  • Mapping out a Strategy Canvas to identify unique consumer value points and discover a Blue Ocean Strategy for your practice
  • Exploring and developing your compelling brand story, in alignment with your strategy
  • Developing a comprehensive brand marketing plan.

Hear What These Attorneys Have to Say!



Bring your team to Legacy Ranch for a unique teambuilding experience. Focus on how to connect as a team, communicate non-verbally, and collaborate as a cohesive unit, with respect for each individual’s unique strengths and contributions.

With both Horse Work and Course Work, your team will learn new ways of problem solving, become more skilled at collaboration and creative thinking, and learn to define and achieve success as a team.

Course Work focuses on strengths-based team roles. Utilizing the Gallup Strengths-Finder assessment tool, we will explore your team’s unique individual and group talents. The genius of Strengths-Finder is in its potential for leveraging the strengths of an entire team to move your firm forward.

In Horse Work, staying on the ground with horses, everyone becomes fairly equal, especially when faced with a challenge. Sometimes the outcome can be surprising, for example the usual team leader may not turn out to be the most effective in a horse-focused challenge. Someone else may have the specific leadership qualities needed for a given challenge. Experiential activities, like those at Legacy Ranch, are powerful ways to help teams understand their strengths, emphasizing both individual uniqueness and team dynamics.

Your team building retreat may take from one to a few days. A shorter-term event is best for building awareness of team building issues, while a longer-term event offers opportunities for application of learning and integration of ‘take-away’ tools. Depending on your needs, team building activities could be the main focus of your retreat, or an addition to a strategic planning or leadership development retreat.

Empowering Women in Law 

We love working with all lawyers -- when we help a lawyer become healthier, more confident, serve clients at a higher level, and become a stronger leader ... in short, when we help a lawyer  shine brighter, our own legacy is multiplied a thousand times over.
Lawyers touch so many other people. Every time a lawyer rises up and becomes his or her best self ... the ripple effect to others is exponential.
But, what fun to work with women in law! While men frequently show up in their structured roles, with their structured suits, and great knowledge of the rules of this game ... women show up in completely different ways.
Women in law are the rule-breakers. They are making their own rules and changing the game!
They innovate, they juggle ... sometimes they compromise ... they network and marshal resources from places others would never think to look!
But sometimes ... all too often in fact ... they end up sacrificing too much.
Constant stress, conflict, lack of autonomy and a sedentary lifestyle can take a toll on women's health, well-being, and relationships.
We Empower Women in Law to take back their health, change the rules, and Grow a Great Law Firm that is filled with joy, creativity and innovation!
We invite you to break some more rules ... and love your law career.
Join us for powerful retreats, amazing events, and tons of fun ... all while you Grow a Great Law Firm
Empowering women

Start by joining our free Facebook Group: Empowering Women in Law

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Read What These Women Have to Say!

Celia King reviewAlexis Austin reviewBrittany Littleton review

Break Away Retreats

What is the difference between the firm that achieves Break-Out results and the firm caught in perpetual struggles with cash flow issues, staff overturn, fee pressure, and so on?

Break Away to Break Out

Before you can Break Out, you may have to Break Away. It’s tough to see with inspired vision when you’re dealing with a client phone call, a staff question, or a troublesome copy machine.

Schedule your private retreat at beautiful Legacy Ranch on the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies. The Ranch provides plenty of space to break away from your routine. Enjoy views to the east of the vast high plains, or look to the west in awe of Pikes Peak. Watch for our herd of pronghorn antelope to pass through, listen to coyotes sing at night, or take some time to brush down a horse (or three).

Private Retreats at Legacy Ranch

Focus your Ranch time on strategic planning, marketing, team building or leadership development. Retreats can be scheduled for one, two or three days, depending upon your needs, budget and goals. Start with a telephone consultation to identify issues and determine the timeframe and structure that will work best for your situation.

IMS Legacy Ranch

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